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The Art of Drawing for Beginners
Class Syllabus

Class Platform: Paradise Campus

Day/Time: Thursday, 11 - 12:45 PM, February 4 - April 15, *11 week class*

Class Description: To begin the class journey, show up ready to glean information that you can use in any art project that you choose to try. We will cover the basic strokes, the use of a math compass, one-point perspective, and the grid. At the end of the term, you will be able to integrate all of the methods that you have learned into your own creative projects. The supplies needed for the class will be discussed during the first class meeting.

Instructor Biographies: With a few semesters now under his belt, Johnny Law is finally feeling a bit more comfortable in the art communities of OLLI and Las Vegas. Law has been honored with several notable awards for Las Vegas, North Las Vegas, and Henderson. He is most proud of a project displayed at Las Vegas City Hall on the walls of Carolyn Goodman’s private gallery. Law’s unique teaching style and emphasis on creativity make his class an ever-changing work in progress. He encourages class participation and has a strong focus on self-expression. Rita Ballejos has lived in Las Vegas for 18 years. She retired as a master cook at various hotel/casinos along the Las Vegas Strip. Since retirement, it has been her new passion to share her wealth of self expression for art with the OLLI at UNLV community. For the past five years she has been taking various art courses and has become well-known as an artist in the OLLI at UNLV art community. With her newfound knowledge as a multimedia artist, it is time for her to share her special love for pen and ink.

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