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Countries, Cultures & Current Issues

Class Platform: Virtual Learning

Day/Time: Tuesday, 9 - 10 AM, February 2 - April 13, *10 week class*

Class Description: We will continue our study of North Africa focusing on the countries of Egypt, Libya, and Sudan, and countries with which they have been or are engaged, as relevant. Following the established format and using prepared PowerPoint presentations and supporting materials, we will look at geography, natural environment, history, government, economy, people, culture, and current issues. While we can’t possibly cover every aspect of the region, we will emerge knowing more about our world and appreciate what is happening in it. Both returning and new students are welcome!

Instructor Biographies: Muree Reafs has taught Countries, Cultures & Current Issues for about seven years. Reafs has traveled extensively. She enjoys researching each country and presenting information in multiple modes to expand our knowledge and understanding of the countries and peoples of the world. Reafs’ background is in nursing, public health, and nursing and health education with studies in anthropology and sociology. She taught auxiliary nurses in Honduras as a Peace Corps volunteer and senior university nursing students at George Mason University in classroom and clinical settings. Her work in public health centered on care and health education for people of many nations and cultures. She is fluent in Spanish and loves languages. She accompanied her husband to Arequipa, Peru in the mid-70s where she participated with a multinational/multilingual women’s group engaged in social and charitable activities.

Reafs - Countries, Cultures, & Current Issues

Reafs - Countries, Cultures, & Current Issues

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